About Your Heating and Cooling System

1 Bigger Is Always Better

Often families seek to purchase a bigger unit when they feel that their
current one is not doing the job. However, upsizing is often not the correct
solution. In fact, a unit that’s too big can actually cause your system to
cycle on and off more frequently without evenly distributing air, leading
to just as many problems as one that is too small.

2 Ductwork Doesn’t Play a Big Role In System Efficiency & Performance

Inconsistency among room temperatures, extended heating and cooling times
and high energy costs can all be attributed to improperly sized or leaky
ductwork. Consider ductwork to be one-half of your home’s heating and
cooling system. So, if your ductwork is not designed to distribute air evenly,
is improperly sized or is leaking air in several places, then your entire
system is performing at limited efficiency. To view more information about duct sealing, be sure to check out our article here.

3 Summer Comfort Can Be Achieved Just By Lowering the Thermostat

Every Middle Tennessee resident knows that our trademark humidity often
presents more of a comfort challenge than our 90°-100° temperatures.
Don’t touch the thermostat in hopes to get rid of it this Spring and
Summer, however. By its definition, an air conditioner—when operating
properly—is designed to both lower the temperature in your home
and reduce the humidity. If you’ve felt comfortable at 75° in your home
previously, but this year the air feels sticky, turning it down to 73° isn’t
going to make it better. More than likely, your system needs a maintenance
visit to clean the coils and check your refrigerant charge.

4 Preventative Maintenance Is Just a Sales Gimmick

Just like faithfully changing your car’s oil, research has proven that your
regular tune-ups can extend the life of your system.
To put that figure in perspective, it means purchasing a brand new unit less
often, equating to savings of thousands of dollars over a lifetime. That’s
money well spent on other things, like vacations or home improvements!

5 Almost Anyone Can Install An HVAC System

At first glance, it may seem fairly straightforward to install a HVAC
system—but guess again. It’s imperative to choose a trained professional
that will take the time and care to not overlook details that could turn into
problems down the road. Firstly, any contractor worth his salt will both
inspect your current equipment, duct system, and electrical connections as
well as run a load calculation on the area of the home the system serves.
Taking these steps ensures your unit is properly sized and up to current
local building code. Secondly, installers will be sure to put in your new
system correctly to make sure your family is both safe and comfortable.